User Information

Instructions for the use of manuscripts and rare prints in the Diözesanbibliothek

1. Place of Use. The stock must only be used in the reading-room.

2. Admission. Permission to use the stock must be requested on a special
application form.

3. Restrictions in Use. The use of certain items (for example, objects kept in safes or in a poor state of preservation) may be restricted because of the need for conservation, or for legal or other reasons.
A reader may only use ip to five manuscripts and prints at one time.

4. Notification of Damage. The library staff should be informed immediately if damaged or missing parts are discovered.

5. Treatment of items. Readers must handle manuscripts and prints with special care because they are unique, irreplacable and require protection at all times. The following rules must be obeyed irrespective of further instructions associated with particular items:

Do not touch the text or illustrations in manuscripts,
Do not alter the order of single sheets or the page order of manuscripts even though they may seem to be incorrect.
Do not use fountain, ball-point or any other kind of pen when using manuscripts.
Do not force tightly-bound books open.
Do not place papers or other objects between the pages of manuscripts.
Do not write in or on any of the items.
Do not make tracings.

6. Returns. Readers must return items to the staff when leaving a desk or when the reading-room is due to be closed. The library staff reserve the right to examine returned stock in the presence of the reader to check for possible damage or missing parts.

7. Copies. Microfiche copies are available and may be ordered by completing an application form. Photocopies are not available

8. Publication of Material. Permission is required from the Diözesanbibliothek for every publication (edition) which use material from, or photographic reproductions of, pages of manuscripts or rare prints. The reader is held responsible for ensuring that any right of privacy or copyright are maintained

9. Author’s Copies. In the interests of current documentation and as a resource for future users of the library, the Diözesanbibliothek requires a copy of any publication which uses material from ist stock. If this is not possible in a given instance because of exceptional circumstances, full bibliographical details of the publication must be supplied to the library.


schrift : buch : kultur

21. März bis 16. Mai 2025
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Freitag, 4. April 2025
bis 18 Uhr
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Nacht der Bibliotheken

Großer Bücherflohmarkt
Freitag, 4. April 2025, 18 – 22 Uhr
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Neues Angebot

Zugang zur Elektronischen Zeitschriftenbibliothek (EZB) ist jetzt freigeschaltet.

Neuer OPAC

Neuer Online-Katalog für die Recherche! Beachten Sie bitte die Informationen zum neuen OPAC der Diözesanbibliothek und Mediothek.


Montag – Freitag: 9 – 18 Uhr
Die Pflicht zum Tragen einer Maske entfällt und wird durch eine Empfehlung ersetzt.
Weitere Informationen

Edition Santini


Diözesanbibliothek Münster
Überwasserkirchplatz 2
48143 Münster
Fon 0251 495-6380
Fax 0251 495-76386 

Die Benutzung von Handschriften

und Alten Drucken, sowie von Musikalien der Santini-Sammlung ist nur nach vorheriger Terminabsprache (unter 0251 495-6380 bzw. möglich. Bitte melden Sie sich rechtzeitig vorher und warten Sie unsere Antwort ab. Besonders in Ferienzeiten kann es vorkommen, dass wir Ihrem Terminwunsch nicht entsprechen können!


Opening times: 9 - 18  Monday to Friday

Library opening hours are subject to change without prior notice. Please check “Aktuelles” before visiting the Library.

Rare Books & Music Reading Room by appointment only (+49 251 / 495 - 6380 or

Please contact us well in advance!

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